10 types of flowers to Add Contrast | Best Flowers for garden

10 types of flowers to Add Contrast | Best Flowers for garden

10 types of flowers (Best Flowers)

Here are 10 types of flowers you can grow to add contrast to your garden. It will add color, fragrance, definition, and a unique character to the garden. There are some flowers that can enhance any garden and make it diverse and gorgeous. They are easy to grow and do wonders for your garden.

10 types of flowers


Typically, garden pansies are large-flowered hybrid plants cultivated for gardens. There are usually three types of velvety flowers on the plant: blue, yellow, and white, measuring about 2.5 to 5 cm across. Plant pansies in pots or borders between September and early October to give them the highest chance of growing strong roots and flowers. It helps fuel abundant pansy blooms to have well-drained, fertile soil with high levels of organic matter. 


Marigolds are a favorite among gardeners and one of the most stunning annual flowers. As a general rule, marigolds don’t demand special supervision and are tolerant of most circumstances. In general, marigolds like prosperous, well-drained soil, an abundance of sunlight, and no additional fertilizer. Marigolds are sometimes initiated indoors under grow lamps about six to eight weeks before the last frost to transplant outdoors.

types of flowers

Moss Rose

Moss roses are hard flowering succulents that are perfect for sunny, dry gardens. Its bright green leaves have pointed tips and are oblong to cylindrical in shape. In any well-drained soil type, you can grow moss roses in full sun. Suitable for sites with lean contours, gravelly soil, rocky terrain, or sandy soil. Start indoors 4-8 weeks prior to the average last frost if you wish to see blooms earlier.

Best Flowers


Planting herbaceous peonies in your cut flower garden is a wise decision because their stunning flowers will appear each year. The best place for peony plants is in a location that receives six to eight hours of sunlight a day, has plenty of drainages, and has enough space. A wonder of floral beauty, they bloom in late spring or early summer.

types of flowers


As wild bushes, these flowers grow in vibrant colors. They last throughout the year, making them a favorite of butterflies. Whether you’re planting lantana as a garden plant or as a houseplant, make sure it gets full sunlight to thrive. From late spring through frost, the cheerful flower clusters blossom nonstop in a rainbow of hues. In warmer climates, they do so almost all year.

types of flowers


The fragrant lavender plant has a wide range of medicinal effects, making it a terrific addition to your garden. It is widely accepted as a natural remedy for a wide range of ailments. Like other mint plants, lavender repels insects like mosquitoes, fleas, moths, and ticks. The blooms of lavender lure beneficial pollinators as well as nuisance bugs. Assure that lavender is planted in a spot that receives at least 6 to 8 hours of daily sunlight. A variety of soil qualities is suitable for lavender, including poor to moderately fertile soils. 

Best Flowers


A hollyhock’s flower stalk can extend up to nine feet tall! It’s a wonderful way to add a vertical element to your yard, towering above the plants you grow. The hollyhock is a superb pollinator attraction for bees and hummingbirds. Although Hollyhocks will grow in nearly any soil type, they favor fertile, well-drained soil in full sun for the tallest flower spikes. Ensure that they are in a sheltered place from strong winds to prevent them from blowing over.

types of flowers


There are many hydrangea varieties known, including blues, reds, pinks, and purples. Hydrangeas grow in many parts of the world and can be found in a wide range of climates. Hydrangeas are best planted in shady locations with sunlight in the morning and shade in the afternoon. In a well-maintained environment, these shrubs can reach heights between 4 and 12 feet high and live for decades, producing frothy blooms all summer long.

types of flowers

Ice Plants

Hardy ice plants grow as perennial ground cover with daisy-like flowers. Because of their high tolerance to heat, these succulent plants bloom all summer long. It isn’t called an ice plant for its hardiness, but rather for its shimmering blooms and leaves that appear covered in frost.

types of flowers


Besides being effortless to grow, Zinnia seeds demand only primary garden preparation and the plants’ flowers within just a few weeks. Zinnias can flourish with very little fertilizer and nonetheless produce flowers. You can plant them outdoors around the time you cultivate your tomatoes when the temperature is beyond 60 degrees Fahrenheit in the evening. It is feasible to start them indoors a month before the first frost if you want them to bloom earlier.

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types of flowers