9 Best Feng Shui Plants for your good fortune | Houseplant

9 Best Feng Shui Plants for your good fortune | Houseplant

Feng Shui Plants

9 Best Feng Shui Plants for your good fortune | Houseplant | NASA plants. According to Feng Shui, there are some plants that are going to bring happiness, prosperity, and luck in your life. Some feng shui plants help to increase peace and love. They deepen mutual relations, that’s why people give it a place in their home. According to NASA plants, these indoor plants bring necessary improvements in air quality. These plants maintain energy balance and get rid of negative energy.

Today we will tell you what are the feng shui plants (NASA plants) in our article? And tell them why it is good to keep them at home.

What is Feng Shui?

The word feng shui is associated with wind and water. This is an old Chinese tradition in which people used their homes to harmonize and balance the environment. According to Feng Shui, the environment was given an important place in areas with good energy. The study of Feng Shui is very detailed, for this, you should go to the website.

Feng Shui Plants | Houseplant | indoor plants | NASA plants

1. Pachira Money Tree Plant

It is a tropical evergreen estuarine species plant, which is native to the banks of the river from Mexico to the tropical rainforest of northern South America. In traditional Feng Shui, there are some Feng Shui Plants along with other things that are considered to be a positive energy wealth plant; Pachira is such a plant which is to increase the energy and wealth and display it in the money center. For this reason, it is also called a money tree, although it is also very famous in other areas as the indoor plants and bonsai.

Scientific name                             Pachira Aquatica

Common name                             Guiana chestnut, Chestnut, Malabar chestnut

Plant type                                       Houseplant

Sun required                                  Full Sun to part shade

Feng Shui Plants | Houseplant | indoor plants | NASA plants

2. Lucky bamboo

Lucky bamboo hard stalks can survive well in water or soil.  People believe that in the place it grows it brings good fortune and good luck. It is also believed that happiness and prosperity increase as it grows and is an important part of Feng shui. Lucky bamboo plants come from China and Taiwan the most. These indoor plants are very popular for offices and homes.

Scientific name                             Dracaena braunii

Common name                             Lucky bamboo

Plant type                                       Houseplant

Sun requires                                  Indirect Sunlight

Feng Shui Plants | Houseplant | indoor plants | NASA plants

3. Pothos

Pothos plant has a multitude of common names including golden pothos, ivy arum, money plant, silver vine, and hunter’s robe it has heart-shaped leaves. It’s a hardy plant that can survive in poor light and colder temps and is great for offices, vertical gardens, and homes.  In temperate regions, it is a popular houseplant. It specializes in easy climbing or hanging, and can easily go up to 20 feet in length. Pothos is a popular feng shui plant and many traditional beliefs are attached to it. People believe that this plant brings happiness, prosperity, and fortune.

Scientific name                            Epipremnum aureum

Common name                             Money plant, pothos golden pothos, or devil’s ivy.

plant type                                       Houseplant

Sun requires                                  Shade to partial shade.

Feng Shui Plants | Houseplant | indoor plants | NASA plants

4. Snake Plant (Mother-in-Law’s Tongue)

Snake plants or mother-in-law’s tongue is a popular houseplant with the least care. The height of its leaves ranges from one to eight feet. It is also easy to apply for the novice gardener. Due to simple nature and less care, there is an attractive gift for inside the house and office. This plant can die only by excessive water and the roots are rotten.  According to Feng Shui, it is a fortifying plant and according to NASA, it has been found effective for improving air quality. Mother-in-Law’s Tongue plant is native to Africa.

Botanical Name                            Sansevieria trifasciata

Common name                             Snake plant, mother-in-law’s tongue

Plant type                                       Houseplant

Sun required                                  Full Sun / Part Sun / Shade

Feng Shui Plants | Houseplant | indoor plants | NASA plants

5. Peace lilies

Peace lilies are a genus of about 40 species of monocotyledonous flowering plants in the family Araceae. This is an ideal plant to have in your home. Peace Lily is a very common houseplant because they are easy to grow. If you love flowers, and you do not want to buy such a bouquet, whose flowers die in a few days. Peace Lilies produce white flowers in the early summer and continue to bloom throughout the year.  According to Feng Shui, it is a plant that brings luck. NASA study shows in 1980 a domestic plant that purifies the air of the room. Peace lily harmful compounds from the room air filters and gives Purify air. This plant is easy to find you can include in your bedroom. Read more.

Scientific name                             Spathiphyllum

Common name                             Peace lily

plant type                                       Houseplant

Sun requires                                  Indirect light

Feng Shui Plants | Houseplant | indoor plants | NASA plants

6. Spider plant

According to research chemical formaldehyde is the cause of cancer. This chemical is found in many household products.  When you breathe, you require oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Plants take carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and release oxygen. These indoor plants in your bedroom increase in the amount of oxygen, making it promote better sleep.

Scientific name                             Chlorophytum comosum

Common name                             Spider plant

plant type                                       Indoor plants

Sun requires                                  bright light do not appreciate direct sunlight

Feng Shui Plants | Houseplant | indoor plants | NASA plants

7. Jade plants

Jade plant (Crassula ovata) is very beautiful houseplants, its many popular varieties come in. It is easy to apply and care for these medicines. For this reason, this newbie and expert gardeners both has become a popular houseplant.  Like money plants, jade plants are kept at home from the point of view of health and prosperity. Keep it in office for success and best luck. NASA plants

Scientific Name                            Crassula ovata, Crassula argentea

Common Name                            Jade plant, friendship tree, lucky plant, money tree

Plant Type                                       Houseplant

Sun                                                    Full Sun/ Part Sun

Feng Shui Plants | Houseplant | indoor plants | NASA plants

8. Rubber plants

Rubber plants are native to Malaysia and India and grow naturally in rainforests and tropical regions. The rubber plant (Ficus elastica) is known as rubber fig, rubber bush, rubber plant, or Indian rubber bush. These are the best plants to grow indoors, their leaves are deep shiny, thick, and oval. The rubber plant is the most beautiful feng shui plants and abundance is associated with health and prosperity. NASA plants

Scientific name                             Ficus elastica

Common name                             Rubber plants, Rubber tree,

Plant type                                       Houseplant

Sun requires                                  Full Sun/ indirect sunlight

Feng Shui Plants | Houseplant | indoor plants

9. Orchids

Orchids are primarily herbaceous (nonwoody), although some species could also be vines, vinelike, or somewhat shrubby. The wide selection of growth habits varies from those during which the plant is reduced to no quite roots (Dendrophylax) to saprophytic plants lacking chlorophyll (Corallorhiza), to large plants (Arundina) that superficially resemble a bamboo. According to Feng Shui, orchids help to increase peace and love. It is believed that they deepen the relationship, due to these people’s feng shui plants placed in their house. read alsoNASA plants

Scientific name                             Orchidaceae

Common name                             Orchids

Plant type                                       Houseplant

Sun requires                                  sunshine but avoid more sun

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Feng Shui Plants | Houseplant | NASA plants | indoor plants